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Information For Schools

General Information About Our Courses


We are a group of Spanish English teachers who feel very proud of the link we have created between Britain and Spain through the many life-long friends made over these last 28 years of running our programme.

Each of our Spanish students is hosted by a family in the area (Greater Manchester) who has a similar child: same age, same gender, hobbies, interests, style… so that they become friends easily.

We take particular care in matching both “buddies” and, as a result, our placements are very successful and we frequently have families who host the same child for several years, host families whose children get invited over to visit their buddies in Spain.


The group of Spanish students arrive at the end of the Spanish school year -around the 22nd June-, and stay in Greater Manchester for the last four weeks of the last school term, just before schools break up for their summer holidays.

We are tremendously grateful to the many schools around Manchester who have always seen in our programme a great opportunity for both the Spanish and the British children; a “horizon-opener” for them and for the rest of their classmates, and an enriching element in their teachers’ Spanish lessons.

As a sign of gratitude, we give each school a donation per student (there’s usually no more than 10 Spanish students per school in several years to ensure their full integration).

While the Spanish students undertake our programme in a very enthusiastic way -willing to make British friends and eager to learn about British culture and English language-, the British pupils very happily become their “mentors” at school and help the Spanish students “shadow” them in class with pride.


We make sure all of them are:

Polite and well-mannered -coming from very nice families and backgrounds mainly through our word-of-mouth-

Good students who have passed all their exams in June –otherwise they would have to stay in Spain to prepare themselves to take exams again in September and pass them to be able to go onto the following year

Responsable and laid-back children who happily enroll for an “extra month attending school” just for the adventure of doing so in a foreign country they fancy (language, culture…)

We interview the Spanish students and their families in order to make sure they are mature enough to undertake the experiencebehave the way we all expect from them and understand their responsibilities during the stay.

Our students are fully covered by our Language School Insurance for any eventuallitites that may occur at all times and in and out of the school they attend, details of which can be sent upon request.

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